Friday, January 22, 2010

Dokubari Scorpion

Logo: Scorpion

Uniforms and Helmets: Black with white trim on the jerseys. Helmets have the scorpion logo imprinted on the side.

This team did very well in the Spring Season with 10 wins and one loss. The things to note are that they won five games by forfeit, while the other games were won by taking out the opposing team's aces.

They were able to win so many games by predicting the actions of their opponents.

The Scorpions face off against Deimon in the third round, but their style of play proved to be no match against Hiruma's deceit. They lose with a score of 14-42 in the anime, 0-42 in the manga


Sasuke Kanagushi

Seiyū: Masahito Yabei

(金串佐助) He's the team captain and safety. His belief is that football is a mind game. He wears his long hair in a braid that stands up like a scorpion's tail whenever he's excited or angry. Kanagushia is able to predict the opposing team's strategies by reading the telltale signs of the players. Things such as glances, body movements and certain behaviors allow him to figure out what kind of play the other team will use. However, Hiruma already knew about Kanagushia's strategies and used several tricks (including lipstick), and his own brand of psychological warfare to confound him.

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